whats pissing me off this week? check here to find out....
it or not....there are still people that do this. its cool when your a little
kid but when youre like 25....its not cool. seriously....get your head outta
your ass....who are you tryin to impress? me? well guess what asshole....didnt
work. youre a dumbass and i can plainly see that. so can everyone else. like
when you talk about all this great shit that your doin....but no one sees it....your
an ass. but i still love hearin about all this fictitious awesomenicity on a
daily basis. because nothin makes me happier than listening to a shallow person
talk about themselve to affirm thier existence. i manage to live everday without
talking about myself....does that make me special? hopefully you slip and fall
on a box of razors that cut that magical shit talking silver tongue out of your
face. that would be nice and it would save me the energy of having to stave
of my homicidal thoughts i have towards you and your kind. go....die....now.
im out....